Prince Harry, sentenced to pay 56,000 euros to a British media

Hard judicial setback for Prince Harry. The High Court of London has ordered the Duke of Sussex to pay £48,447 in compensation (about 56,000 euros) Associated Newspapersperiodical editor Mail on Sundaywhom he sued for alleged defamation against him as a result of the publication of an article about the security and police protection measures he has when he is in the United Kingdom.

The grandson of Elizabeth II filed several lawsuits against the British tabloid and one of them referred to a news story that had the following title: CHarry tried to keep his legal fight over the bodyguards a secret..

The text includes the series of differences between Prince Harry and the Ministry of the Interior and accuses the royal of having deliberately lied on some issues to preserve their safety in the British archipelago. It should be remembered that Enrique and his wife lost systematic police protection after moving to the United States.

You will have to pay before December 29

There comes a point where the only thing you have to do is confront this behavior, because it destroys people and it destroys lives.. In the illegal publication of this private document, they deliberately omitted select paragraphs, specific sentences, and even singular words to mask the lies they had perpetuated for more than a year.includes a part of the statement.

The defendants assured at all times that this text was a honest opinionand that, therefore, did not generate any damage against his person. The magistrate in the case noted that the article showed a real perspective. The High Court of London states that You must pay the requested amount before December 29.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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