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Princess Amalia: Life with threats is very difficult

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Crown Princess Amalia (M) visited the Caribbean island of Sint-Maarten with her parents. © Remko De Waal/ANP/dpa

Quite a few young girls dream of being a princess. But is life as such really so desirable?

Philipsburg – According to her own account, the Dutch Crown Princess Amalia (19) suffers greatly from the strict security measures as a result of threats. “I still find it very difficult,” said the princess to journalists on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten. You miss normal student life. “Just walking down the street or spontaneously going to a store,” Amalia said.

Last year it became known that Amalia was threatened by organized crime. She was therefore no longer able to live in her student apartment in Amsterdam, but had to move back to her parents in The Hague Palace. In addition, their freedom of movement was severely restricted. Spontaneous visits to the cinema or pub or shopping are therefore no longer possible.

Amalia hopes that things will change quickly. “I started my student days with the idea of ​​doing everything that students do. Unfortunately, the reality was anything but that.”

Amalia is finishing an official visit to the Caribbean part of the kingdom with her parents on Friday. King Willem-Alexander (55), Queen Máxima (51) and Amalia visited the six islands for two weeks. It was the traditional introductory visit of the heir to the throne in the Caribbean.

One theme of the trip was the history of slavery. Amalia said she learned a lot and was touched by the conversations with descendants of enslaved people. “What I found so special about the talks was that they were so personal.” dpa

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