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Princess Leonor’s first official trip to Portugal confirmed

Princess Leonor's first official trip to Portugal confirmed

MADRID.- The Princess Eleanorheir to the Spanish throne, visit Portugal on July 12, in his first official trip abroad, to talk about the environment with the Portuguese president, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported this Thursday.

The Princess of Asturias, who last October swore fidelity to the Constitution when she turned 18, at which point she was qualified to succeed her father, Felipe VI, as head of state: “will be received at the Belém Palace by the president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa,” the ministry said in a statement.

His visit, at the invitation of Rebelo de Sousa: “will have a particular focus on the protection of the environment and the conservation of the oceans, priority issues for Portugal and Spain”, the statement continued.

princess engagements

The choice of Portugal as the destination for Leonor’s first official trip, who will be accompanied by the Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, seeks to reinforce the ties of fraternity and closeness that unite both countries, the text added.

In Spain, a parliamentary monarchy, the Constitution establishes that the male has preference to inherit the Crown, but Leonor has no male siblings.

After completing primary and high school studies in Madrid and the United Kingdom, respectively, Leonor began three years of military training in 2023, like her father did.

In a country where the debate about the monarchy is perennial, the Princess of Asturias arouses sympathy, unlike her grandfather, Juan Carlos I, who, pursued by scandals in the last stretch of his reign, abdicated in 2014 in favor of Felipe SAW.

Juan Carlos de Borbón settled in Abu Dhabi in 2020, where he continues to reside at the age of 86, despite the fact that the justice system filed several judicial investigations opened against him in 2022 in relation to his opaque fortune.


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