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Prize delivery to Buarque symbolizes the return of “democracy” to Brazil

“AI think that we are also fulfilling a rescue, demonstrating that Brazilian democracy is strong, it is perennial, despite all the attempts “to destabilize it, as was the attack on the buildings that represent the legislative, executive and judicial powers in Brasília, in 08 January, said the minister, in an interview with Lusa.

“There was a coup attempt, but democracy prevailed and we are going to fight to make the possibility of a dictatorship in Brazil more and more distant”, said Margareth Menezes, who praised Buarque and the Brazilian President, Lula da Silva, as two examples the best the country has.

“Chico Buarque is an artist and a citizen who, for us, has a very high representation”, for the “dimension of his work, for what he represents for the Brazilian people for democracy”, said the minister.

Buarque “was an artist who was always involved and placed himself in the fight for democracy, in his works, at the time of the dictatorship”, becoming “a great herald, one of the great Brazilian citizens who got involved in this fight “, he said.

Chico Buarque was awarded the Camões Prize in 2019 but the delivery ceremony never took place after several criticisms were made of the cultural policies of the former President, Jair Bolsonaro.

Today, four years after the award was granted, Margareth Menezes said she was “very honored” to be present at the ceremony in her capacity as Minister of Culture, already in the Government of Lula da Silva (left), who resumed the Presidency in January, defeating the far-right candidate.

“For me, therefore, a moment of great honor, Chico deserves all the tributes, all the recognition for his work as a composer of songs but also as a writer”, said the minister, who also praised the current head of state, who begins a five-day official visit to Portugal today.

“President Lula is a distinguished politician in the world due to his history of winning the things he has already won,” said the minister, referring to the corruption process in which he was initially convicted.

Today Lula “is a politician who is looking for a moment of peace for the world, bringing a movement in favor of peace”, in a “very grandiose” project, exemplified the minister, referring to the proposal of peace for Ukraine, with mediation internationally, he added.

Also Read: Minister of Culture of Brazil is focused on “rebuilding the Ministry”

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