Tourists in the restaurants of Punta del Este

The city of east point -epicenter of social activity in the summer of Uruguay- began the summer season marking a record in the arrival of private flights and with 100% occupancy in its yacht port with capacity for 520 moorings.

This was stated on Monday to the news agency EFE the Vice Minister of Tourism of the South American country, Rowing Monzegliowho highlighted that 2023 has had “the best start to the season” that he remembers.

In accordance with this, he explained that More than 200 private aircraft have already arrived to the Laguna del Sauce International Airport, located a few kilometers from Punta del Este, adding that commercial flights are arriving in the country with the all of its seats occupied.

The streets of Punta del Este full of tourists
The streets of Punta del Este full of tourists

On the other hand, he pointed out that to the 520 yachts that are in the port there are another 50 that are on the waiting list, while there are 320 boats in the nursery.

Likewise, Monzeglio highlighted that at this moment the Punta del Este hotel industry has a 100% occupancy and stressed that with a view to the season more than 150 restaurants openeda figure that exceeds the nearly 100 that had to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yachts in the port of Punta del Este (Gettyimages/File)
Yachts in the port of Punta del Este (Gettyimages/File)

Between December 22 and January 1, 276,514 tourists entered Uruguay. 38.03% of these are Argentines37.32% are returning Uruguayans, 12.85% Brazilian and 2.40% American.

For every three Argentine tourists, a Brazilian arrivedwhen historically the proportion is one Brazilian for every four or five Argentines”, indicated the deputy minister.

shops with people
shops with people

Of these, the majority arrived through the main land border crossings that link Uruguay with Argentina, while 25,286 people did so on commercial flights through the Carrasco International Airport, located on the outskirts of Montevideo.

Although Monzeglio indicated that for the moment traffic in the country has been fluid, he pointed out that some people who traveled in their private vehicles did not complete the mandatory process “tourist pass”, so that later they had problems to be able to pass the tolls that are in the national routes.

He explained that what people must do is enter the Uruguayan Teletoll website within 48 hours prior to entering the country and complete their information to be able to circulate without complications.

He added that once they reach their destination they must pay a sum of money for the tolls used and add more for the return trip.

(With information from EFE)

Keep reading:

Punta del Este: 10 useful facts to enjoy the 2023 season
Punta del Este: how much does it cost to go to the supermarket?


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