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Pussy Riot unveil a clip against Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine

Russian singers denounce the actions of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine in a new title Mama, don’t watch TV.

Pussy Riot engage in song against the war in Ukraine. The Russian feminist group, which has opposed the policies of Vladimir Putin for years, released this week the clip of Mama, don’t watch TVwhich notably compiles images of military offensives by the Kremlin on Ukraine.

On YouTube, in the description of the video, Pussy Riot explains the origin of the title of the song (“Mom, don’t watch television”, in French). While Ukraine is regularly presented as a “neo-Nazi” state by Russian state television, the singers write:

“The chorus is based on the words of a captured Russian soldier who, in a telephone conversation with his mother, said: ‘Mom, there are no Nazis here, don’t watch TV'”, explain- them by condemning “daily Russian propaganda” which “poisons people’s hearts with hatred.”

Appeal to the international community

Those who call Putin’s regime a “terrorist regime”, and “Putin himself, members of his government, his generals and those responsible for his propaganda” as “war criminals,” add:

“Russia has continued its military aggression on Ukrainian territory since 2014, when Russian troops annexed Crimea and began to occupy the Donbass region. Every day since then, Ukraine has had to fight for its right to life and freedom, to fight to guarantee its sovereignty.”

Finally, they call on the international community to “an embargo on the purchase of Russian oil and gas as well as on the sale of arms and ammunition to Russia”, to “freeze the bank accounts and assets of representatives and oligarchs Russians”.

They also demand that an “international tribunal try Vladimir Putin, Russian state propaganda employees, army officers and anyone responsible for the genocide of the Ukrainian nation.”

The Pussy Riot have made themselves famous through very political acts of brilliance, starting with an anti-Putin prayer sung in a Moscow cathedral in 2012 to defending the gay community, harassed by the Russian authorities.

In 2019, they played to sold-out houses in Alabama to support abortion rights in the United States. Last May, they spoke on BFMTV to denounce “Russian state propaganda” and testify to their “horror” and “disgust” at the rapes that Russian soldiers are accused of having perpetrated. on Ukrainians.

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