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Putin proposes breaking a Cold War agreement

Putin proposes breaking a Cold War agreement

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin advocated this Friday to begin producing medium and short-range missileswhich will mean the rupture of a doctrine that Moscow complied at the time in collusion with Washington within the now-broken Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

Short-range missiles (SRBM) are those that can reach between 150 and 800 kilometers in distance. They are considered low cost and easy to configure. Medium-range missiles (IRBM) have a range of between 3,500 and 5,500 kilometers..

Apparently we have to start producing these systems and then, depending on the situation on the ground, decide where to place themPutin explained to the members of the Security Council, in statements reported by official media.

The Russian president has alleged that The United States already manufactures intermediate-range missiles and deploys them in maneuvers in Europeas well as in the Philippines. Therefore, he added, Russia must react, since the moratorium applied since 2019 was on potential movements by the United States.

A treaty that ended in 2019

He Treaty on Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) was a historic agreement signed between the United States and the Soviet Union on December 8, 1987Its main purpose was to reduce the nuclear arsenals of both superpowers and to allow on-site inspections to verify the destruction of missiles. This treaty remained in force even after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Under this agreement, Nuclear or conventional ballistic and cruise missiles with an operational range of between 500 and 5,500 kilometers, known as Euromissiles. These missiles were installed in military bases in Western and Eastern Europe, and their removal contributed to the de-escalation of hostilities between the two powers. However, in 2019, the United States and Russia formally suspended the treaty due to allegations of non-compliance by both sides.

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