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Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin reveals the face of her little Roman

The little girl, well wrapped up, seems to be sleeping soundly. This Sunday, January 15, on his Instagram account, Raoudha Jean-Zephirin – whose adventures viewers can follow every week, from Monday to Friday, in the TF1 program Large families: life in XXL – shared with his subscribers an unpublished snapshot of his little Roman, which was launched on December 16. The photo, full of sweetness, where we discover the features of the baby, melted the followers of the clan, now composed of nine children!

Internet users to the angels

Indeed, just one hour after going online, the publication had already been”liked” by some 15,000 people, and commented on by many Internet users. Among the multitude of messages written in the section devoted to it, we can mention the following: “Beautiful doll”, She is so beautiful. Like his brothers and sisters elsewhere”, “Another beauty, she is gorgeous, “Beautiful like mom” or “She’s cute.”

A special event celebrated with the family

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Two days earlier, on the same social network, Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin had posted a family snapshot for a special occasion. Indeed, on January 12, her husband Stéphane had celebrated his birthday. The opportunity for him to blow out his candles surrounded by his family, including little Romane, whose face was concealed. In the caption of the photo, we could read these few words: “My strength, my joy, my happiness, my wealth, my life, my family.” And in the section devoted to comments, Stéphane had been able to read many birthday messages and marks of affection that had been sent to him by Internet users: “Wonderful family, only happiness”, “Happy Birthday Sir”, “Pretty family”, “Magnificent.” On his birthday, Stéphane Jean-Zéphirin had also had the pleasure of discovering a word from his wife on Instagram, who had wished him a very happy birthday.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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