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Raphy Pina confirms that he is at home in federal custody

They assure that Raphy Pina is free

MIAMI.- Raphy Pina confirmed that it is getting closer to the freedom full. Through a broadcast channel on Instagram, the music producer shared that, after three years behind bars, he has been living at home for three days, but stressed that he is still in federal custody.

“We all want to be free in our minds because the confinement is temporary and I confess that I have been experiencing something different in my home for 3 days, that I never imagined it to be so beautiful,” he began the text that he sent to his followers, according to Univision’s review.

In recent days, it was reported that Pina had allegedly left the North Carolina penitentiary center where he was being held.

Later, the businessman explained on social networks that he was in a process called half houses, a preliminary step to obtaining absolute freedom.

He also published on Instagram stories an image with his identification as an inmate in the minimum security prison, RR Miami.

Next steps

Pina also explained that at the moment she cannot appear on social networks, which is why she has resorted to images and illustrations that evoke her personality.

“I am still in the federal custody of the BOP (United States Bureau of Prisons) and they do not allow me to appear on social networks until the sentence is completed and/or the requests are authorized. There is not much left to turn on that live and give it the best stories and advice to that youth who is growing and must understand many things, which they will learn from us until they are in a place with no departure time, he commented.

Although his process still has no end, the producer indicated that he comes with a clear goal: the creation of a foundation that will help families and young people.

“I am in the process of opening my foundation to help young people, homes and entities that need me both financially and personally, to add with your help to those who need it,” he wrote.

He indicated that he will launch the third collection of his clothing brand, and the funds from the sales will go to the foundation.

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