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Rebel Wilson reveals what medication she used to keep the weight off

Rebel Wilson reveals that she used Ozempic to keep from gaining weight

MIAMI.- The actress Rebel Wilson revealed that he is part of the group of celebrities who have taken Ozempic, a medicine for type 2 diabetes and which has become popular among the stars of Hollywood because it regulates blood sugar levels and allows you to lose weight

The 44-year-old performer addressed her weight loss process during an interview she gave to The Sunday Timesin which she explained that the decision was motivated by her desire to be a mother, since a fertility doctor recommended doing so so that the in vitro fertilization process had a greater chance of success.

However, she remembered that many people did not want her to do it.

“Basically, other than my mom, no one wanted me to lose weight. People thought I would lose my status in my career, playing the fat, funny character, and they wanted me to continue doing that,” he explained.

The author of The Rebel Rising: A Memoir He indicated that he did not let himself be influenced and in 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, he began his year of health, which was characterized by a diet low in sugar, high in protein and long walks, which later became going up and down the stairs. of the Sydney pear.

Experience with Ozempic

Wilson highlighted that he had a difficult relationship with food, so at the time he decided to take the medication to control it.

“Someone like me might have an insatiable appetite for sweets, so I think those drugs might be good,” he said.

However, he used the medication for a short period of time.

“I firmly believe that young women shouldn’t try to become obsessed with looking like Victoria’s Secret models; they should just look like themselves. I know my relationship with food is complicated,” she told the magazine. Times.

Rebel highlighted that she currently feels comfortable with her figure, because although with the arrival of her daughter she gained a few kilos, she still remains at a positive size for her and recalled that she has had to lower her exercise rates due to the demands of her new lifestyle linked to her profession and motherhood.


In that order of ideas, Wilson stated that he likes to promote mental and physical health.

“I think for a lot of people I am a beacon of body positivity because I see people who consider themselves medically obese if you look at their weight, but I think they are absolutely beautiful. I really believe that beauty comes in any shape and size, so I really I promote it.”

About his experience, he remembered that he never considered that he hated himself because of his weight; But he did come to hate the impulsiveness with which he consumed any food.

So people say, ‘Well, how can you be so positive about your body and then hate yourself?’ But I didn’t hate myself, I just hated those shameful behaviors. For example, eating a whole tub of ice cream every night and then feeling bad about myself, forcing myself to get up early in the morning and go to the gym for an hour and a half and run on that treadmill until sometimes my back hurts.”

I remember that for a long time I questioned why I was a professional and successful woman, but I couldn’t lose weight. A time she remembers that she was very hard on herself. “She always punished me for that and said, ‘What’s wrong with me?'”

In her memoir, Rebel Wilson goes into depth about her process and points out that it is not a pill, a diet, or an exercise regimen. “It’s literally about working on a healthier way of dealing with emotions, and there’s no magic bullet. Maybe telling my story might encourage you to do the same and make healthy changes in your lives.”

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