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Recipes with chocolate to delight adults and children on hot days

The chocolateWithout a doubt, it is one of the favorite foods of all ages and in all latitudes. Some consider that it can only be eaten when it is cold, but there are certain appropriate recipes for hot days that are liked by adults and children.

It is not only possible to taste chocolate in the form of ice creams, granitas or sorbets, but also creams and mousses can be made. This natural food can be combined with fruits and other desserts to attract the children of the house.

Chocolate or topped ice creams are ideal.

The important thing to incorporate chocolate to our diet is that it has important nutritional contributions, since contains properties that help bone development, generate new cells, contribute to skin health and protect the heart.

Among the proposals that can be made for the summer are ice creams, in which this product Mix with milk and pass through the blender along with cream. It can be frozen and served on sticks.

The mousse and the chocotorta can be frozen.

It can also be combined in smoothies in which seasonal fruits such as strawberries are added. and mixes for snack. Mousses are also an option that can be made from a ganache and egg yolk whipped with sugar.

You cannot miss a cheesecake that is made with a base of Oreo cookies and, for the upper part, flavorless gelatin will be used to give consistency with some pieces to make it a vanilla ice cream proposal.

Sticks with yogurt and dipped in chocolate are loved by the little ones.

A classic that always likes

An alternative to enjoy as a dessert that never fails is the chocotorta in which the chocolate it is one of the main ingredients. For this, you will need chocolate and coffee cookies to be able to moisten it.

Certain desserts are unbeatable.

On the other hand, a pot of cream cheese should be mixed in equal parts with another of dulce de leche. Choose a tray that can go in the fridge and insert the cookies with the mixture until completing about five centimeters. Can be frozen by the serving.

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