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Recommendations to correctly store what is left of the Christmas dinner

As the Holidays approach, most households look for different culinary options to taste and there are many who do the wrong calculations, therefore there are many leftovers from the Christmas dinner.

Beyond the fact that it is possible to repeat the Christmas Eve menu at noon this Sunday, it is also true that the Christmas dinnermany prefer to keep everything in the freezer to consume at another time.

Once dinner is over, each plate is divided and stored in the freezer.

However, not everything is so smooth when it comes to Christmas dinner, since what remains unconsumed must be stored but in an orderly manner. For now, The first thing to do is not to put everything that is on the table and store what you think is not going to be consumed in the fridge.

Then it will be important to organize the remains of the festive food, to avoid leftovers in the fridge for the following weeks. To do this, it will be necessary to divide and freeze in parts.

Health experts recommend not overdoing it.

Likewise, if at noon on Christmas the menu from the night before is repeated, it is recommended to accompany it with abundant vegetables and fruits, as they will be essential when it comes to better hydrating the body.

It will also be important to reduce the portions and at snack time, a portion of sweet bread and a piece of fruit next to it is recommended. It is important to know that what we leave without eating does not have to be consumed immediately.

You can put an additional table with food so as not to clutter the table.

Cross contamination

To avoid any type of contamination with the Christmas dinnerit is recommended Never mix cooked products with raw products in the fridge. In addition, it is suggested to have everything in airtight containers or preserved in plastic wrap.

Not all the food should be on the table, only what is believed to be consumed.

Hygiene experts advise that, once the night is over, when the leftovers are distributed among the diners, that each one bring their containers and that conditioned in such a way that the cold chain is not broken.

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