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Reinhold Beckmann: "I spent a long time caring about other people’s lives on talk shows"

In an interview with GALA, Reinhold Beckmann reveals how much he enjoys his everyday life and what is particularly important to him in life right now.

“No longer have to, nothing more absolutely want that’s simply fantastic!” In the GALA interview, the TV presenter and musician raves Reinhold Beckmann67, of his new routine.

Reinhold Beckmann: An almost completely normal life

“A few years ago I decided to mostly put the job in front of the camera on hold and lead a normal life away from the media circus. What a gain in quality of life! Also that as a musician I have my own evening program and on tour go.” He summed up his conclusion as follows: “For a long time I spent a lot of time worrying about other people’s lives on talk shows. Now I’m asking myself which topics I want to work on for myself instead.”

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