Reme's Little Corner

*New York Squad member Jamaal Bowman was “dishonorably discharged” from Congress after losing his district’s primary. Last weekend his friend Ocasio Cortes organized an event for him in the Bronx where both AOC and Bowman appeared to be mentally deranged, jumping and shouting alongside Senator Bernie Sanders. This is a clear and resounding message to these extremists. What a beating!

*WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reached a deal with the United States that will allow him to return to Australia without spending time in US jails. The months he spent incarcerated in the UK are being credited towards his immediate release.

*Allyson Huynh, someone very close to Obama who contributed generously to him during his time in the White House, has just announced that she will support Trump in 2024, arguing that the Democratic Party has abandoned people like her.

*Hooters is closing 40 restaurants nationwide, leaving 1,200 employees out of work.

*We are weeks or days away from knowing who Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate will be. Although we are still awaiting selection, we are impressed to see the enormous number of quality candidates the Republican Party has. For example, our senator Marco Rubio is one of the best speakers in the Senate and his intelligence and international knowledge is the strongest in the entire country. The fact that he is from the same state as the presidential candidate presents a potential problem. There is also a congresswoman from New York, with ten years of experience, who took university presidents to congressional hearings and brought out “sparks.” Her name is Elise Stefanik. Woman, intelligent and effective. We left it there.

*The patriotic brigadier Roberto Pichardo died last Saturday as we reported in the Esquinita de Reme con Ninoska de la Nueva Poderosa at 670 am. Mr. Pichardo will have a mass on Wednesday, July 3 at Little Flower Church in Coral Gables at 10:00 am. Funeral services on Tuesday the 2nd from 3:00 pm to 10:30 pm at the Memorial Plan Funeral Home at 98th Avenue and 24th Street SW. Our condolences to his family and especially to his son Manny Pichardo. May another of our patriots rest in peace!

*Argentina achieved the first week in 30 years without inflation. Milei is achieving something never seen before in that beautiful country.

*Congratulations to Claudia Tenney of New York on her victory in the 24th District primary. Claudia is a strong friend of the Cuban freedom cause and a proven Republican.

*Marine La Penn’s right-wing party in France is leading by 10 points in the polls. If France goes completely to the right, Europe will change too.

*Anthony Blinken, the Secretary of State, is accused of being the mastermind behind the compromising and false advertisement published before the US presidential election in which it is said that 51 former intelligence and security chiefs of the country, including the FBI and the CIA, confirmed that everything related to Hunter Biden was Russian disinformation. This is such a serious and dangerous issue that it must be thoroughly investigated by Congress.

*The United States has limited the shipment of ammunition to Israel, creating a new conflict between our country and our best ally. Incredible but true! *The famous Cuban bolero singer, Roberto Ledesma, turned 100 years old this week. Ledesma has been an admired and beloved figure in republican Cuba and in exile. Congratulations, Champion!

*Felipe was telling his friend Demetrio a story from his childhood. He told him that his father took him to all the wakes at his office. Once, when he was 7 years old, he was in a funeral home and a man approached him and told him that he had to take advantage of every minute of his existence, have fun and have a good time. Minutes later the man disappeared and Felipe’s father came to look for him to introduce him to the widow and her children. When they approached the small room where the relatives were, Felipe leaned over the box and was surprised to see the man who was giving him advice inside the box. The boy came out traumatized and remained that way for years. His parents took him to psychologists to try to cure him of the impression he had received. Years later, when another of his friends from the office died, Felipe returned with his father and was surprised to see again the man who was supposed to be dead. Unable to contain himself, he asked him directly. Answer: You didn’t see me, but my twin brother. I’m alive and kicking. Mystery solved!

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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