The old oil heater may fall under the “replacement obligation” in 2023. Several indicators provide information about the age of an old oil heating system.

The energy crisis as a result of the fighting in Ukraine has for many consumer marked the year 2022. Classic fuels such as heating oil and gas were more expensive than ever in Germany – but the situation on the energy market has calmed down somewhat in the meantime. Record prices of more than two euros per liter of heating oil are a thing of the past.

Replace oil heating: know the deadline for “replacement obligation” – who is affected in 2023

But despite falling energy prices in the fuel sector, many people have started to rethink. Away from classic fuels such as gas and fuel oil and instead rely on new technologies such as the heat pump – that’s the idea. Some consumers will inevitably have to think about the issue. In Germany, there is an obligation to replace old gas and oil heating systems: Certain owners are obliged to replace the old oil heating system.

In addition, from 2026, the installation of pure oil heating systems will no longer be permitted. The systems must then be equipped with a regenerative component – such as a solar system. In the case of a hybrid model consisting of oil heating and a heat pump, there is even a state subsidy for the regenerative component. As early as 2023, certain owners can benefit from the exchange obligation to be affected. Due to possible waiting times for craftsmen, you should think about the alternatives to oil heating at an early stage.

Replacing the oil heater: Who is affected by the “replacement obligation” in 2023:

  • In principle, the exchange obligation applies as soon as the oil heating system is more than 30 years old
  • For 2023 this means: From 2024 only oil heaters built in 1994 or later are permitted
  • In 2023, consumers with an oil heater that was installed before 1994 will have to worry

Oil heating affected by replacement obligation? This is how you can see the age of your system

It should be noted that “replacement obligation” does not mean a ban – even after 2025, the oil heater can still be installed. But then conditions such as the regenerative portion must be observed. But it is important to clarify first: How old is your own oil heating at all? Owners ask themselves this question, especially in a newly purchased old building. Even without documents from the previous owner, you can track down the matter. The most important indicator is the nameplate – consumers can read the year of manufacture here.

However, the nameplate is not always easy to find at first glance. It is found on many oil heaters, according to information from “myHomebook” on the inside of the main cover. But that can be the case with an old system in particular nameplate no longer be legible. In such cases, consumers must resort to another age-finding method. Possible sources here are construction documents or invoices – for example from the last maintenance. Good to know: Chimney sweeps also record the age.

Do not disregard the exchange obligation for oil heating – fines and closure threaten

This is often the way to find out the age of the oil heater. If not, the last step is to contact the manufacturer or the heating installer responsible. By stating the model, brand and wear and tear, a specialist company can also estimate the age of a system. This last step is much more complex – but it can be worth it in case of doubt. Because if you fail to replace an old oil heating system, in extreme cases you will have to deal with one fine calculate.

The omission can be determined, for example, during the next inspection by a chimney sweep. In the worst case, this can shut down the heating and prohibit operation. Also important to know: Smaller partial replacements can improve the oil heating efficiently and reduce costs – but such measures do not release you from the replacement obligation. If in doubt, consumers should therefore reconsider such investments. What is suitable as an oil alternative varies from case to case.

Heating basic funding Heating exchange bonus Heat pump bonus promotion total

heat pump




40 percent

pellet heating



20 percent

Remove oil heater or convert to hybrid model? Think about this promotion

The advantage of a hybrid heating system: the old system can continue to operate. However, with a hybrid model, consumers have to do without the lucrative “heating exchange bonus” for old gas and oil heating systems. He can increase the subsidy for a new heating system again in 2023 and enable a subsidy of up to 40 percent. In addition to various specialist portals, manufacturers and energy consultant about the current funding options and, if requested, provide an individual recommendation.

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