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Report: King Charles III. wants to visit Germany

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The then British heir to the throne Prince Charles and his wife Duchess Camilla are standing on Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin (2019). © Soeren Stache/dpa

According to information from the magazine “Stern”, the British King Charles and his wife Camilla are planning to visit Berlin and Hamburg at the end of March. The palace has not yet confirmed this.

London – King Charles III. According to a report, his wife Queen Camilla want to travel to Germany in the spring. The “Stern” reported on Wednesday, citing their own information, that Charles (74) and Camilla (75) wanted to visit Berlin and Hamburg from March 29th to 31st – a third stop in eastern Germany should also be under discussion. Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the report when asked. Travel plans would be announced in due course, a spokeswoman said.

However, according to reports, the Federal Republic will not be the first stop on the new British monarch’s first trip abroad: in the days before, the king wants to visit France and meet French President Emmanuel Macron there, as the French newspaper “Le Parisien” reported.

Charles has been the British monarch since the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on September 8 of last year. His coronation is scheduled to take place in early May. As heir to the throne, Charles has often been a guest in Germany – most recently on the day of national mourning in November 2020. dpa

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