Republicans expect a triumphant moment at their National Convention that begins on Monday

WASHINGTON — Despite all the usual scenery, the Convention The Republican National Convention that begins Monday is unlike Donald’s previous nomination events. Trump.

In 2016 and 2020, Trump was an underdog, widely predicted to fall and facing criticism from within his own party. This year, he will accept the Republican nomination with his party backing him and Democrats in turmoil over the viability of President Joe Biden.

The usual convention business will take place over the four days. The delegates — nearly 2,400 — must approve a platform and formally designate the presidential ticket: Trump and his yet-to-be-named running mate. They will hear from both national candidates and many others who are rallying support for Trump and attacking Democrats.

The Republican Party is hoping for a moment of triumph.

“The political environment is not only great for Donald Trump, but it is really great for the republicans “There are a lot of people running for Senate, governor, House seats and other lesser offices,” said Henry Barbour, an influential member of the Republican National Committee (RNC) who has occasionally criticized Trump in the past. Expectations are high. What can we expect at the Republican National Convention?

Who will speak?

Trump’s closest primary rival, Nikki Haley, will not be on the convention stage. Instead, delegates will hear from, among others, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who ended his presidential campaign after the Iowa caucuses and immediately endorsed Trump.

“I don’t think there’s any comparison to his previous campaigns,” said Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker and Trump ally.

Most importantly, Trump now has the lead over Biden, and he is so confident that his campaign promised in a convention preview that “President Donald J. Trump will usher in a new golden age for America.”

Who will be his running mate?

Trump has delayed the selection of his running mate. The most talked-about possibilities are North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum; Florida Senator Marco Rubio; and Ohio Senator JD Vance.

Trump has mused that he would love to hold off on revealing his pick until the convention begins — but he admits that idea frustrates aides who want to preview the launch. All three men, along with other contenders Trump has considered, are expected to speak to delegates at some point.

The topics: Monday will be about the economy

The conventions are primarily meant to energize his core supporters. But they draw large television and online audiences that include a broader electorate. The Trump campaign has outlined daily messages aimed at both audiences, with themes that echo Trump’s red hat slogan: Make America Great Again.

Monday’s topic is the economy: “Let’s make America rich again.” Trump has outlined an agenda that includes sweeping tariffs and increased oil and gas production. He argues that his plans to deport millions of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally will curb record inflation under a Biden administration.

On Tuesday he will discuss immigration and crime: “Make America safe again.” Trump and Republicans believe the border debate is one of their strongest issues. They have organized speeches for relatives of slain people where immigrants living in the U.S. illegally face criminal charges, part of Trump’s broader efforts to blame crime on border policies.

Wednesday is National Security Day: “Make America strong again.” Delegates and audience members will hear arguments that Biden is a “weak” and “failed” commander-in-chief and head of state. Typically, this is the day that vice presidential candidates address the convention.

And the final day, Thursday, will culminate with Trump himself.

The conclusion for most observers, despite all the careful planning and choreography, will be what Trump himself says in his acceptance speech.

Republicans want Trump to take advantage of Biden’s difficulties to explain his ideas for a second presidential term.

What role will Melania Trump and other members of the family play?

Members of the Trump family are expected to give speeches at some point. Donald Trump Jr. has been a top-notch surrogate and staunch defender of his father in recent months. But his daughter Ivanka Trump has been much quieter since leaving her post as a White House adviser during Trump’s tenure.

Former first lady Melania Trump is expected to be in Milwaukee, but it was unclear early Friday whether she would speak. She has been notably absent from the 2024 campaign, a stark contrast to first lady Jill Biden’s role with her husband.

Source: With information from AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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