Resident Evil 4 Remake He has understandably impiegato the stessa telecamera in third person who has given characteristics and rifacimenti of the second and third numbered chapter of the series. Considering how much the community apprezzato l’ammodernamento della camera di gioco, Capcom has decided to point again in this direction.

Tuttavia, it is impossible to deny how much I‘impostazione ad inquadrature fisse dei capitoli originali della serie survival horror keep ancor oggi un certo fascino irresistibile. For this reason, YouTuber Cycu1 has tried to implement it internally in Resident Evil 4 Remake, reporting the title from the franchise’s origins.

What I can see in the top of the news is a Resident Evil 4 Remake in old school version, che ci reporta alle sensationazioni originali della serie horror e ci fa rivivere le paure de un tempo pastato ma con i beneficio de un gráfica moderna e aggiornata agli ultimi standard. Unfortunately we are not talking about a fatta e finita mod, ma di un simple test Made by the YouTuber, incurious of the result that Avrebbe Ottenuto. Hope, however, is that this experience of this type of possano will encourage the scene of the modder and impiegare a camera fissa nel gioco così come fatto with Resident Evil 3 Remake, ad esampio.

With the last patch distributed CapcomSono gráfica e estazioni di Resident Evil 4 Remake su PS5 e Xbox Series X|S.


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