If you don’t prepare for retirement, you can fall into a deep hole after your last day at work. Experts explain what is important.

No more alarm clocks, no bosses, no stress at work: Many would like that retirement eagerly here. But on day X, the dark side shows. Without professional obligations, life becomes emptier – unless you have new meaningful tasks and social contacts that are satisfying. You can prepare for that.

Since people are getting older on average, this would be even more important than ever. In fact, however, 78 percent of those in employment do not care at all or hardly at all planning for retirement, according to a survey by the insurance industry. Almost half of those surveyed (48 percent) say that they should take more care of friendships in order not to become lonely in old age. About three in four (74 percent) admit that they don’t do enough for their own body.

But a lack of preparation for retirement carries the risk of falling into a deep hole after the last day of work. This can even make you sick. “The feeling of no longer being needed, the loss of recognition, a regular daily routine and social contacts lead to fear and discontent. At the same time, this also increases the risk of mental and psychosomatic illnesses,” warns the German Senior Citizens’ League.

Retirement: Four steps and tips for inner preparation

There is no panacea for filling free time – and there cannot be, because people are different. Some like to keep themselves busy at home, others seek out encounters with others or want to get involved in society. The health requirements are also different. But for everyone there is mental help on the way to a happy retirement. Four steps are particularly often recommended by experts.

Step 1 – Let go of the job

With all the joy of finally having more time, the feelings are at the thought of career end mixed for many people. The Dresden Competence Center for the Transition to Retirement (KÜR) reports that letting go of work can be “painful and tedious”. To make things easier, the positive and negative aspects of the job should be written down and discussed with people you trust.

Tip: In a “retirement compass”, the KÜR offers a list of questions that can be answered personally, such as: “What will I miss in the future – and what do I want to finish with?” Win a job – and what has my job prevented me from doing so far?” According to the experts, parting in life is easier when the changes be accepted “consciously and boldly”.

Step 2 – Become clear about your own desires

Most people probably have a rough idea of ​​what they want to do when they retire, but hardly any precise plans. But that makes it difficult to enter the new one life stage. “From our experience, it is important that you prepare for retirement early on. It can help to think: How do I imagine a successful day in 10 and 20 years and what is it filled with,” says Silke Leicht, officer for commitment and participation of the Federal Working Group of Senior Citizens’ Organizations (BAGSO).

A few examples from the BAGSO expert: If you want to go for a walk or do sports with others, you should try to get in touch with people with similar interests. Older people who like to deal with new topics could already think about what these are – for example brushing up on their English skills or learning something completely new. If a good neighborly relationship is important to you, you can also do so at an early stage establish contacts.

Tip: From concerns about possible restrictions in the future – for example by Diseases – one should not allow oneself to be guided when formulating one’s own wishes. “It’s about taking good care of the future, as far as it’s in your own hands,” advises Leicht.

Step 3 – Clarify partner relationship

Most couples look forward to spending more time together in retirement. According to the Dresden KÜR, however, an “adjustment and readjustment” of the relationship will be necessary. So the roles, rituals, desires and Goals be reconciled. “It also needs to be clarified how much space each partner needs for individuality and for community,” emphasizes the KÜR. The experts’ recommendation: Discuss expectations and needs even before you retire.

Tip: Lots retirees take care of their grandchildren. The KÜR experts advise not to overdo it with their care and to set limits. Conversely, anyone who does not have grandchildren of their own but would like to temporarily slip into the role of grandparent can contact a placement agency for “rental grandparents”.

Step 4 – Inform about voluntary commitments

It is not enough for everyone to do something privately, such as travelling, painting or watching television. That too voluntary commitment for others can bring joy and recognition. If you want, you can maybe even use your professional skills. The earlier the possibilities for this are explored on site, the better. “We meet a lot of people who are thinking about how they can get involved in society when they retire,” says BAGSO expert Leicht.

She cites as examples of commitment: supporting young people in training, organizing a community bus, helping neighbors, Tutoring offer for refugees, take over a reading partnership for daycare children or work for sustainability and climate protection. “Anyone who wants to be politically active can, for example, get involved in a local senior citizens’ advisory board or join one of the many initiatives,” explains Leicht.

Tip: One Point of contact for retireeswho would like to get involved in society or who are simply looking for contacts are not only municipalities and senior citizens’ advisory councils, but also clubs, charities, multi-generation houses or church communities. There are also around 400 volunteer initiatives nationwide ( Some organizations, such as the “Network of Business Seniors” or the “Senior Expert Service” offer opportunities to pass on specialist knowledge on a voluntary basis.

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