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Richard Gere hospitalized in Mexico for pneumonia

Actor Richard Gere was hospitalized in an emergency in Mexico after contracting pneumonia while on vacation with his family.

It is not known exactly what day he entered the hospital, but sources close to Gere assured that he is currently recovering.

According to TMZ, Richard’s relatives explained that the actor was celebrating the 40th birthday of his wife, Alejandra Silva, with their children, near Nuevo Vallarta, when his condition worsened.

His wife had already posted on social media that their family had been sick for weeks.

“After almost three weeks of everyone in our family being sick, today I finally feel so much better! Thank you for all the love!” Alejandra wrote in an Instagram post.

Previously, TMZ reported that the 73-year-old actor had a bad cough before his trip to Mexico, however, it worsened while in the country.

Sources assured that the protagonist of Mujer Bonita received antibiotics to help control the disease and is feeling better.

A recent story on Silva’s Instagram shows his family walking and Gere is seen wearing a mask.

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