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Rick Harrison will not make reference to his son’s death in the new season of The Pawn Shop

Adam, the son of Rick Harrison, from The Pawn Shop, dies of overdose

In the United States they are already preparing a new season of Pawn Stars, or in other words, The Pawn Shop. A program that I created and that stars in Rick Harrisonwho does not live his best moment, well It was just over a month ago that his son, Adam Harrison, died from a drug overdose. fentanyl at 39 years of ageone of the great epidemics that terrify America.

Although his death has shocked the program’s family, from the American portal TMZ They have reported that in this new season that will arrive soon there will be no reference to Adam’s death.

Adam was not a cast member of the show

The aforementioned media has also included Rick Harrison’s own testimony: Rick personally addressed Adam’s tragic passing last month, there will be no further comment on future episodes. Furthermore, Adam was not a cast member of the show.

His death crossed borders due to the fame of the Harrison family, who are now fully occupied recording new episodes for their series this month. A series in which Adam, despite not being part of the main cast, also participated, helping from the outside, from the shadows, with everything they might need.

With this death, there were many fans of the series who turned to the Harrison family, including Rick, who said goodbye to his son by sharing a photo in which they both appear, and a message that said: You will always be in my heart. I love you, Adam.

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