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Risto Mejide and Natalia Almarcha, together in Madrid after their breakup

Risto Mejide and Natalia Almarcha, in crisis

Just a month after their final breakup became known, Risto Mejide and Natalia Almarcha seem to have returned. Magazine Week has published an exclusive in which they assure that they have been together in Madrid this weekend and, in addition, they have added that it is not the first time that they have given each other a new opportunity.

The aforementioned media has not provided any more information regarding the meeting, although it cannot be ruled out that more details become known as time goes by. According to what they say, Natalia has traveled to the capital this weekend to be with the communicator. In fact, The pharmaceutical company, especially active on its social networks, has not shared anything on its Instagram profile.

Su ensima ruptura

This news comes after on January 17, Laura Fa and Lorena Vázquez revealed the reasons that had led them both to break up for the umpteenth time. According to what they commented, citing those around the Valencian woman, She did not feel well treated or valued by Mejide and, furthermore, the Catalan’s strong character would have made her throw in the towel.

Natalia Almarcha’s Instagram account became a nest of hints towards Mejide. By opening your eyes you learn more than opening your mouth, Almarcha wrote before unfollowing the presenter on Instagram. Before, he had already left an extensive text in which he spoke of excess hypocrisy and a world in which the values ​​of respect and fidelity have been completely lost.

Meanwhile, Risto avoided publicly giving his version of the end of the relationship. If she decides to tell you her half of our story, it will be up to her. But I, for her and my children, for what they may read and see in the future, remain silent. If I am brave to love, I am also brave to remain silent. And no, he who remains silent does not grant, he replied.

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