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RMN: The shocking film of drama, racism and xenophobia in the land of Dracula

RMN: The shocking film of drama, racism and xenophobia in the land of Dracula

Director Cristian Mungiuremembered for the drama 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days –winner of the Palme d’Or in Cannes in 2007– and The examswith which he received the best director award at the same film festival in 2016 – now surprises with a plot that little by little traps the viewer in a bleak and dark little universe in northwestern Romania.

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The protagonist returns to his town and faces the dramas of his family and his past loves.

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I consider that the story is very current, exciting, relevant and entertaining, added to what the landscapes express
of Transylvania.

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Judith State (Csilla) and Marin Grigore (Matthias) achieve a tense chemistry in the plot.

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