RNE journalist Vctor Paredes, special correspondent in Washington, dies

Mourning in the media of our country. RNE journalist Victor Paredeswho was currently a special correspondent for Radio 5 in Washington, DChas died for reasons that have not yet been disclosedas reported by the public entity through a statement on its social networks.

The correspondent was also a bulletin editor at Radio 5 and attached to the Economics and International areas.. This Monday we learned of the death of our colleague Victor Paredes while he was working as a special envoy in Washington. He had also carried out work in places such as Russia, Azerbaijan and Bosnia, the letter begins.

A much-loved colleague in the editorial team with a long professional career in which he held, among other positions, that of newsletter editor at Radio 5 and assistant in the Economics and International areas. All this without forgetting his passion for music, as he had been demonstrating for decades in the Club Music space, and his commitment, among other things, to the birth of the News Councils. This News Council joins in the pain of colleagues, family and friends.it contains.

His fellow program members 14 hours They have dedicated some nice words to him after hearing the news. Victor left Washington early this morning, where he was reporting on American news as a special correspondent for this house, RNE (…) And that’s how he wanted to leave, working in a country that he was passionate about not only for its politics, but also for its society, culture and gastronomy. Whenever he could, he went on holiday there and always ended up in New York. His last journalistic service was when Joe Biden announced his resignation to be re-elected president of the United States

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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