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Robinho will serve nine years in prison in hell on earth

Robinho will serve nine years in prison in hell on earth

Robinho was arrested this Thursday in the Brazilian city of Santos after the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil decided that the former Real Madrid soccer player complies with the nine-year prison sentence in the South American country for participating in a gang rape of a young Albanian woman that occurred in Italy in 2013. The Brazilian high court, which rejected the habeas corpus presented by the defense of the former Real Madrid footballer, points out that The execution of the sentence is immediate and in a closed regime.

Now the condemned will be in the hands of the brazilian prison systemconsidered one of the unhealthiest and most dangerous in the world, according to the report described by Human Rights Watch (HRW). hell on earthis the phrase that describes the unsanitary conditions and violence that permeate the interiors of the South American nation’s penitentiary centers.

Inhuman conditions due to overcrowding of prisoners

Brazilian prisons have had a serious overcrowding problem for many years., given that there are more than 600,000 inmates housed, despite having a capacity of 380,000. There are cells that have six cement beds for 60 men and where there was not even enough space for everyone to lie down on the floor, the document states. This overpopulation of prisoners, of which more than 50% are awaiting sentencing, It favors the spread of diseases, such as HIV or tuberculosis, due to the inhumane and unhygienic conditions in the cells.

Keychains are the other element to highlight in Brazilian prisons. These people, most of them leaders of organized gangs, They have complete control of the prison in their power., since he literally has the keys to move freely through the interiors of the prisons. A prison director told Human Right Watch that There are officials who participate in the illicit activities of these key chains and receive bribes

They are also dedicated to sell drugs and intimidate other inmates who have debts with harsh extortion. The state has put tens of thousands of people in wards intended for a third of that number, and has handed the keys to inmates who use violence and intimidation to run the prisons as if they were their own fiefdom.

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