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Rodolfo Sancho, summoned to testify for a possible crime of gender violence against Silvia Bronchalo

Rodolfo Sancho, summoned to testify for a possible crime of gender violence against Silvia Bronchalo

Rodolfo Sancho is in the crosshairs of Spanish justice. The actor is summoned to testify this Friday in the Court of Violence against Women number 1 of Alcobendas (Madrid) for an alleged crime of gender violence against his ex-wife, Silvia Bronchalowho reported him for insulting and harassing her, as revealed OPEN CASE.

The complainant has already appeared at the Madrid court to ratify her version and give a statement before the magistrate handling the case. Sancho, who currently does not reside in Madrid, will transfer his testimony via videoconference from another court. Both resumed contact following the imprisonment of their son, Daniel Sancho.who is accused of murdering Edwin Arrieta.

This event forced them to contact frequently to find a solution to guarantee the defense of their son. As the days went by, Rodolfo began to lose his temper with his ex-wife, as some messages show where he told her despective terms such as crazy, bipolar or incapable. You don’t find out anything. You are incapable, Our son has traumas because of you, You are from the common people, You are a crazy person, By the way, no one has told you this, but I am going to tell you, you have bipolarity and that has treatment, these are just a few examples. She assured that these messages are not isolated, given that she has already referred to her with offensive and pejorative words on other occasions.

It is not the first time that he has reported him

Both were involved in a heated argument when their son was left without a lawyer.. They tell me that there is a strong argument between the parents because one tries to maintain a line of defense that does not correspond to the one defended by Silvia. She is completely angry, upset, disappointed, because she has no part in the fundamental decisions of the case. On the part of Daniel Sancho and Rodolfo, they assure me that there is no contact (with Silvia). You are missing all the important parts of this procedureassert Saul Ortiz, de Tarde AR.

Silvia Bronchalo’s defense, led by Carolina Castrohas asserted in his television interventions that This is an alleged crime of abuse in the context of gender violence.. It is not the first time that she has reported him, said the lawyer in And now Sonsoles.

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