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Rodolfo Sancho’s first words after the arrest of his son Daniel for murder

Rodolfo Sancho's first words after the arrest of his son Daniel for murder

Rodolfo Sancho breaks his silence after the arrest of his son Daniel in Thailand after confessing that he murdered and dismembered the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta. In the first hours of him in the Asian country, the renowned Spanish actor has issued a statement sent to ‘Europa Press’ in which he asks for “maximum respect” for his eldest son and the rest of the family in these “so delicate” moments for all.

“I beg the media to refrain from issuing any hasty judgment in light of the latest events,” says Rodolfo. “I ask that information that could interfere in the development of justice and in the correct investigation procedure is not released, as well as any diplomatic action that may be in progress”, he adds in the text.

Daniel Sancho’s version

This statement comes just a few hours after Daniel Sancho’s first words came out after confessing to the crime. “I am guilty, but I was Edwin’s hostage. He held me hostage. It was a glass cage, but it was a cage. He made me destroy the relationship with my girlfriend, he forced me to do things that he would never have done, ”acknowledged the 29-year-old.

It will be this Monday when the actor’s son goes to court on the Asian island of Koh Samui, a place where Rodolfo Sancho will also move. Meanwhile, the defendant is “closely watched” by the Thai authorities due to the fear “that he may resort to suicide”.

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