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Rodrygo’s tattoo in honor of the Fourteenth

Rodrygo's tattoo in honor of the Fourteenth

the fourteenth will always remain in the retina of fans of the Real Madrid thanks to the historic comebacks achieved by the pupils of Ancelotti on his way to reach the end of Pariswhere they also threw epic after defeating Liverpool (0-1). An undeniable feat that Rodrygo He wanted to immortalize on his skin through a tattoo that devotedly pays tribute to the journey of the white team to win the European title.

The Brazilian soccer player was one of the great people in charge of the feat achieved by Real Madrid in the semi-final tie against Manchester City. The winger, who came off the bench, revolutionized the match with two goals in the final moments and gave his team an extra life, when they needed it most and when Big Data gave only a 1% chance for Real Madrid to achieve the return to the playoffs. Finally, the whites sealed their ticket to the final in Paris thanks to a goal from Benzema in extra time.

“90:00 + 6. Paris 2022″

Rodrygo the first continental title of his record has been tattooed on his left arm. The design shows the Champions League trophy accompanied by the following letters: “90:00 + 6. Paris 2022″, which refers to the time that Daniel Orsato discounted in that match and which was enough for Real Madrid to equalize the tie thanks to the Brazilian’s goal after a lateral cross from Carvajal.

Rodrygo’s tattoo in honor of the Fourteenth. instagram

11′the Brazilian’s new number after the departure of Asensio, also has a leading role in this tattoo, which has been highly commented on social networks. “Pure Madridismo!”, “Rodrygo’s tattoo is so handsome with those 6 magical added minutes” or “Our youngsters love Real Madrid very much. They are so passionate. That is why I love our new generation so much”, are some of the most prominent reactions.

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