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Romina Belluscio, about her illness: The only person who believed in me was my husband

Romina Belluscio, about her illness: The only person who believed in me was my husband

A month after having made it public that she has been suffering from Lyme disease for approximately three years, Romina Belluscio has given an interview in the magazine Hola! in which he talked about the diagnosis and how he experienced the entire procedure. Furthermore, She has not hesitated to thank the support of the only person who believed in her, her husband, the former soccer player and coach José María Gutirrez Guti.

Although he spent the day looking for doctors to find out what was wrong with him, the diagnosis of the majority was fatigue and stress. Something that didn’t match a thought of not being able to breathe or get up. It’s hard to explain, but it’s something that makes you feel like you’re dying. And the only person who believed in me was my husband. He told me: We are going to go to the end of the world until you have a diagnosis because something is wrong with you. For me, at that moment, it was everything.

Guti’s reaction was a proof of love in the midst of so much uncertainty. You don’t know how your partner is going to react in a situation that is challenging for everyone. There are people who tell me that they have lost their family. In those moments, for me, Joseph was everything. I take my hat off, before now and all the time. Even with the children, who at that moment I couldn’t be with themIt was wonderful, he said.

The recovery protocol

After going through a long process until she managed to name the disease, Romina finally has a treatment to improve her health. Every two months I go to Brussels, we do tests, we come back and I follow another treatment. My recovery is also based on determination, the desire to research new treatments and the desire to move forward, which helps me have the strength to train..

In that desire to train, Guti also helps him. I always train with Jos and I love that, because many times I don’t have the strength or I don’t feel like it, but since we do it together it encourages me, he stressed. In this disease everything adds up. You have to take care of yourself on a physical, emotional and even energetic level. Once you have everything under control, it’s a way of lifehas settled, remembering that the disease is chronic.

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