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RTVE’s spending on Benidorm Fest 2024: half a million euros more than in 2023

RTVE's spending on Benidorm Fest 2024: half a million euros more than in 2023

On January 30, February 1 and February 3, the semi-finals and grand final of the Benidorm Fest 2024. A music festival, the prelude to Eurovisin Festival in Spain, which began to be held in 2022, and which this year had Nebulossa as the winner, who will be at the Eurovision event.

An edition for which RTVE has had to dig deeper into its pockets, spending a total of 4,579,255.98 euros. This is what the public entity has confessed after ESCplus Spain consult these data in the Transparency and Good Governance Council.

A sum that represents an increase in investment of just over 12% allocated to the contest compared to the money they spent in 2023, which was 4,069,328 euros. This makes the difference between one year and another 509,927.98 euros.

Regarding the distribution of expenses, RTVE indicates that 2,672,729.41 euros have been allocated to external production companies, to Boomerang TV. Afterwards, 891,678.97 euros are allocated to the cost of technical personnel of the chain itself; 215,000 euros are directed towards equipment rental; 188,760 euros are for transportation costs; 156,100 euros for the transfer and exploitation of rights; another 118,000 euros to other collaborations and services; for technical means 117,437.60 euros; and a total of 115,000 euros for decorations.

On the other hand, at the moment the salary of the presenters who were present at the Benidorm Fest galas, who were Marc Calder, Ruth Lorenzo and Ana Prada, has not been announced; and with Ins Hernand and Aitor Albizua in the previews and posts of the galas themselves.

It should also be noted that the Generalitat Valenciana has financed part of this Benidorm Fest, contributing a total of 1.5 million euros, just as they did in the previous edition.

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