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Ruby O. Fee: THAT makes her everyday life particularly spicy

Ruby O. Fee likes her food to be meatless, hot and spicy. The actress even always has some Tabasco in her handbag.

For actress Ruby O. Fee, 27, things can be spicy on the plate. “I actually love it hot and well seasoned. For example, I always have a small Tabasco in my handbag,” said the partner of fellow actor Matthias Schweighfer, 42, on the sidelines of the opening of the exhibition “Meat Utopia A Solarpunk Exhibition” in the Berlin gallery P61 for digital art. She likes to cook a lot herself, for example Balinese curry from Mediterranean to Far Eastern cuisine, everything is included.

Ruby O. Fee about Matthias Schweighfer: “We both enjoy cooking and cooking well”

“We both like to cook and cook well,” explains Fee, also with regard to her partner, who says she mainly “by feeling”: “I learned a lot of recipes while traveling and through the encounters there; it has become second nature to me, so to speak. “

Speaking of meat: the actress, who was born in Costa Rica, says she has significantly reduced her own consumption in recent years. In keeping with the exhibition “Meat Utopia”, at which The Vegetarian Butcher, a manufacturer of vegetarian meat alternatives, presents artistic solutions for a future of people, animals and nature in harmony.

Ruby O. Fee reveals: “I really enjoy going out to eat”

Part of the exhibition deals with the topic of nutrition and the consequences of meat consumption for the environment and is intended to encourage visitors to use more plant-based products. Ruby O. Fee is also increasingly turning to alternative plant-based products, as she says. Her own diet has consisted of lots of fruit and vegetables for as long as she can remember. She has maintained this since her childhood in Brazil.

Even beyond the menu, she is increasingly making her life more sustainable: “More bikes instead of cars, more trains instead of planes.” But it is also a fact that her job involves a lot of travel and she can’t always travel the way she would like. Nevertheless, the actress describes herself as a connoisseur: “I really enjoy eating out and trying out the culinary hotspots in every city.”

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