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Rufin’s controversial tweet about Almeida’s wedding and corruption

Rufin's controversial tweet about Almeida's wedding and corruption

The wedding of the mayor of Madrid, Jos Luis Martínez Almeida, with Teresa Urquijo is the event of the weekend. The first mayor of the capital has said yes, I want in a event to which approximately 600 people are invited and that has had the presence of part of the Royal House -Juan Carlos I, the infantas, Froilán and Victoria Federica, among others-, as well as an important representation of the Popular Party.

The person who was not invited, although he wanted to make an appearance in his own way, was the deputy for Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya Gabriel Rufin. The Catalan politician has taken advantage of his Twitter account to launch a very harsh barb comparing Almeida’s wedding with that of Aznar’s daughter.

The wedding ceremony of Aznar’s daughter served for the media to put a face to those involved in the corruption cases of the following 20 years. Today they will renew images for 20 more yearshas written in a clear accusation of corruption that has not left the users of the social network indifferent and that has reached 37,000 views in less than two hours.

This was the ceremony

Almeida arrived at the church of San Francisco de Borja approximately an hour before mass. Practically a hundred attendees have gathered around the place to greet illustrious guests such as Juan Carlos I or Isabel Diaz Ayusoamong others. There have also been cheers for José María Aznar and Esperanza Aguirre.

Seven minutes after the scheduled time – although with the almost traditional delay of brides – Teresa Urquijo has arrived. Hand in hand with her father, the young woman has climbed the stairs to join the Madrid politician in holy matrimony. An hour and a quarter laterthe two have gone out together to leave crossed kisses on the cheek – in front of the cameras.

After them the rest of the guests have left for the El Canto de la Cruz farm, in Colmenar Viejo. There everyone together will taste a men prepared by the famous Lhardy restaurant for 175 euros per guest. There will be 31 different skewers in the cocktail and a table service consisting of a first to choose from among 25 proposals and a second among 20 different combinations.

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