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Russell Brand: Book, live shows – all canceled

Several women have accused Russell Brand of sexual assault. The allegations are now having a noticeable impact on his career.

The allegations against Russell Brand, 48, are now having a noticeable impact on his career as a YouTuber, author and stand-up comedian. This affects his current tour through Great Britain, a book publication in December and the earning potential through his YouTube channels.

His publisher is pausing the collaboration

On the one hand, the publisher Blueprint, an offshoot of the British book giant Pan Macmillan, has put its collaboration with Russell Brand on hold. The next book should actually according to a report by The Hollywood Reporter had been planned for December. In view of the “very serious allegations”, Bluebird has made the decision to pause all future publications with Russell Brand. Brand had published books in cooperation with the publisher since 2017 – including a title called “Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions” and a corresponding workbook.

In his biography “My Booky Wooky” – published by Hodder & Stoughton in 2007 – Russell Brand opened up about his sex addiction. In 2005, he was treated in a clinic for 30 days because of this. In 2014, a book was published by Random House Publishing called “Revolution”, which deals with political issues.

In addition to his current publisher, the literary and talent agency Tavistock Wood has also “terminated all professional relationships” with Brand. As the “Times” reports, women are said to have contacted his agent with allegations against the actor as early as 2020. The reaction at the time was a “very aggressive” letter from Brand’s lawyers. When the Times contacted the agency with the same allegations, the connection to Brand was severed.

“Russell Brand categorically and vehemently denied the allegations in 2020, but we now believe we were terribly misled by him,” it said in a statement.

YouTube no longer lets him make money from videos

Most recently, Russell Brand is said to have earned around a million pounds from his activities on YouTube, according to DailyMail. The online platform has probably now turned off this money supply, as stated in a report by the British medium. Accordingly, YouTube has blocked all of Russell Brand’s channels from making money from advertising revenue. He violated the “Creator Responsibility” regulation. These restrictions mean that Russell Brand can continue to upload videos to its 6.6 million subscribers, but will no longer receive any revenue.

In a statement it says: “When an author’s behavior outside the platform harms our users, employees or the ecosystem, we take action to protect the community. This decision applies to all channels owned or operated by Russell Brand .” On YouTube, in addition to his main channel, Russell Brand has the channels “Football Is Nice”, “Awakening With Russell” and “Stay Free With Russell Brand”.

His live show has been postponed for now

The allegations also affect Russell Brand’s planned live shows in Great Britain. The comedian was actually supposed to perform on Tuesday as part of his “Bipolarization Live Show” at the sold-out Theater Royal Windsor. According to Variety, the organizer said in a statement: “We are postponing the few remaining shows, we don’t like doing that – but we know you will understand. Further dates were still planned in the cities of Wolverhampton and Plymouth.

This is what lies behind the events surrounding Russell Brand’s career

The Brit is currently looking forward to the broadcast of one TV documentary entitled “Russell Brand: In Plain Sight” faced with massive allegations of rape and abuse. As part of a joint investigation, the “Sunday Times”, the “Times” and the TV show “Dispatches” published Allegations from four anonymous women who accuse Brand of sexual assault, emotional and sexual abuse and sexual violence. These events are said to have occurred between 2006 and 2013. After the documentary was broadcast, according to media reports, other women came forward with similar allegations.

Before the allegations were made public, Russell responded with a video, that he posted online on YouTube, among other things. In it, he said that he never made a secret about his lavish lifestyle in the early 2000s, during the peak of his career. He lived “very, very promiscuous” and always openly admitted this. However, all of his relationships were “absolutely and always consensual”. “I’ve always been transparent, almost too transparent, and I am now,” Brand explained.

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