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Russia deploys cruise missiles in Libya capable of reaching Spain

Russia deploys cruise missiles in Libya capable of reaching Spain

Russia does not stop. Vladimir Putin does not restIn fact, Moscow wants to take advantage of the current state of the deteriorated Libyarich in oil, diamonds and natural resources, deploying military forces with cruise missiles Caliber -capable of carrying large nuclear loads- in the port city of Tobruk.

The autonomy of these projectiles, which It is around 2,600 kilometersallows you to attack and destroy targets located in the middle spainincluding key points in Barcelona or Zaragoza, as he has forcefully announced The confidential.


Favorite weapons of Russia In the war in Ukraine that began two years ago, the Kalibr belong to a family of missiles Russian anti-ship, anti-submarine and land attack cruisers that can be launched from platforms naval, areas y terrestrial.

And not only that: They can carry a payload of between 400-500 kg of high explosives.a level similar to that of the Franco-British SCALP/Storm Shadow, the German Taurus or the American Tomahawk, ground attack. In addition, they have ability to be armed with a nuclear warhead.

The Spanish case

In Spainaccording to Military experts consulted by the aforementioned means, it will remain practically exposed the entire Mediterranean facade, Girona to Mlagadue to its scope. Likewise, it could hit strongly inland in the eastern half of the peninsula.

In the capital, for example, at the base area of Torrejnthe main one of the Spanish Air Force, would be outside its radius of action. Now, being able to fire a large number of missiles from ships in the Mediterranean, will cover almost the entire continent.

Great concern

Given this scenario, the Defence Staffthe highest governing body of the Spanish Military Forces, has shown your concern. It ms, through its information services and alliesthe high command is responsible for monitoring closely the complex situation in Libya.

For the interception of threatsit should be noted, Spain has Patriot anti-aircraft batteriesdesigned by the American company Raytheon to shoot down missiles at a distance of more than 100 kilometers.

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