Russian warships arrive in Cuba after exercises in the Atlantic

HAVANA.- After completing a series of maneuvers in the vast Atlantic Ocean, a flotilla of the Russian Navycomposed of a frigate, a nuclear submarine and two support ships, arrived at the port of the Cuban capital.

The arrival of the first ships was marked by persistent rain as they crossed the entrance to Havana Bay, accompanied by small guide boats that facilitated their navigation. The frigate was welcomed with 21 cannon salutes from the La Cabaña military fortress, a traditional welcoming gesture that underlines the historic friendship between Russia and Cuba.

The presence of this fleet in Cuban waters was previously announced by the Cuban Foreign Ministry, thus confirming the naval cooperation between the two countries. These maneuvers occur at a time when international relations are in focus, particularly in the context of the United States’ attention towards any military activity in the region.

While U.S. officials have indicated they will closely watch these operations, some experts believe the presence of the Russian fleet has broader implications. According to Ryan Berg, of the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Russia sees Latin America and the Caribbean as a region of strategic importance, where it can counteract American influence.

The arrival of these ships also coincides with the official visit of the Cuban Foreign Minister to Moscow, highlighting the lasting relationship between both nations, both in ideological and economic terms.

The presence of this Russian flotilla in Cuban waters not only represents a sample of military cooperation between Russia and Cuba, but also reflects the complex geopolitical dynamics that shape the Caribbean region and its relations with foreign powers.

Source: With information from AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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