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Sam Heughan "grotesque" ? The Outlander author’s unflattering first impression

Season 7 of the famous series Outlander, available on Netflix, would not be the same without Sam Heughan in the role of Jamie Fraser. However, the actor did not immediately succeed in winning the heart of Diana Gabaldon, the author of the novels…

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Sam Heughan was the first actor chosen to join the cast ofOutlander, nine years ago now. However, if the choice was obvious on the production side, it was less so for Diana Gabaldon, the author of Thistle and Tartan, the literary saga on which the Netflix series is based, season 7 of which is currently being broadcast. She remembers her reaction when one of the producers called to tell her they had found the actor who would play Jamie Fraser. “I was driving. I did a search on my iPhone while we were driving. At this point, he had relatively few films under his belt and only a series of extremely bizarre photos”, she says. In the photo in question, Sam Heughan appears in black and white wearing a black V-neck t-shirt. He was dark-haired at the time and was not smiling in the photo, which gave him a harsh, even unfriendly appearance. .

Outlander : the author didn’t want Sam Heughan for Jamie

When she saw this famous photo, Diana Gabaldon was not very happy… It’s even an understatement since she then described it as “grotesque“. Maril Davis then sent a tape of Sam Heughan’s casting, which allowed Diana Gabaldon to get a more concrete idea of ​​his acting… And to completely change her mind! “I was looking at him thinking ‘hmmm’ and five seconds later he was gone and it was just Jamie Fraser. It was just incredible.”, remembers the author. Since then, Sam Heughan has largely established himself in the hearts of the public and Diana Gabaldon. It became a running joke between the actor and the novelist who grew closer over the six seasons ofOutlander.

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Outlander : Sam Heughan sent to California to find who would play Claire

If the search for the main actor was relatively easy, this was far from the case for the choice of the actress who would lend her features to Claire Fraser. “They searched and searched and searched, and Sam was sent to California to try out different actresses, but none were suitable.”. Finally, just a few days before the start of filming, one name stood out, that of Caitriona Balfe.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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