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Samantha Batallanos disappointed in Maicelo: “Trust was lost, it was humiliating”

The model Samantha Batallanos indicated that she is disappointed Jonathan Maicelo, as a result of the program ‘Magaly Teve, the firm’ spread WhatsApp conversations, where the boxer asked his friends to take girls to his gym. In addition, he said that it is the first time that he has experienced infidelity.

I always give my best and my 100%. I am not the one who loses, everything is a learning in life. I am focused on moving forward, on my family and on my business. Soon I will launch my lingerie line ‘Seduttiva’.

It’s normal, isn’t it? These are serious things and there is no turning back.

They are internal things and I prefer to keep them to myself.

What happens that in between there are serious and strong things. There are situations where there can be a truce or retreat, but in this case… it is totally serious for me. Disloyalty at that level is serious. Trust has already been lost, it has been humiliating and it is not something I want in my life.

It hadn’t happened to me before. I have had a long relationship of 4 years and we broke up for other kinds of things. Things ended in a good way, that’s what I aspire to in my life, if I have another partner again.

That’s how it is.

People’s comments are not very relevant. In the end, one knows why she dates a person, the one who has to like her is you.

I’m launching my lingerie line, it’s already a couple of months old and it’s growing, thank God. I am focusing on offering a good, quality product that identifies me a lot.

Yes. I’m focused on my business. I had a trip to Miami, I already had everything ready and prepared, but I had to cancel it because I did not have a work visa, however, that issue will be resolved shortly.

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