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MADRID.-The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, assured that transparency in the results of the presidential elections in Venezuela is “imperative” and that it is necessary to verify “all the minutes of all the tables” in order to recognize the winner of the elections last Sunday, while he has called for “calm” among Venezuelan citizens.

“We are following the events taking place in Venezuela with concern. It is necessary to remember what we have been saying since the elections were held and that transparency in the electoral count is imperative. In order to recognize the results, we must be able to verify the minutes of all the tables,” he said during an appearance from Moncloa before the media to take stock of the political course.

Sánchez has also made “a firm call” for calm, civility and the guarantee of the fundamental rights “of all Venezuelans”, after 11 people lost their lives in protests against the results of the elections, in which the current president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, claimed victory with 51% of the votes, compared to 46% of the support for the opposition candidate, Edmundo González.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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