Sanchez invokes his right not to testify: Judge Peinado went to Moncloa to take his statement

The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, on Tuesday, exercised his right not to testify as a witness in the case against his wife, Begoa Gómez.according to legal sources present at the meeting. After a week of hesitation, the head of the Executive has finally opted for this option, after the magistrate Juan Carlos Peinado appeared at 10.20 this morning at the La Moncloa palace to try to question him in the summary that he is promoting for alleged crimes of influence peddling and corruption in business. The prosecution and the defence had appealed against this hearing, which the judge wanted to record.

La Moncloa has hosted an unprecedented scene in the current democratic era: that of a judge going to the headquarters of the Presidency of the Government to take a statement in person from the head of the ExecutiveHowever, the judge has not been able to meet all expectations, despite his efforts to celebrate this event.

Judge Peinado considered that what could be contributed He could know it because of his marriage to his wife, and not because of the position he holds.It is in this last case that the law establishes that you can declare in writing.

The magistrate arrived at the Presidency’s offices in Moncloa after 10:00 in the morning, accompanied by the defense of the three defendants and the Vox lawyer, Marta Castroas coordinator of the popular accusations. Meanwhile, the lawyers of the accusations who have not been granted access remained at the doors of the premises.

*News in development

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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