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Santiago del Moro announced unexpected news about "Big Brother"

There is no doubt that”Big Brother It is the television phenomenon not only of 2022, but also of this 2023.

The program hosted by Santiago del Moro has achieved something that seemed unthinkable for the small screen in these times. “Big Brother” is located in each of its issues around 20 rating points.

The last elimination gala broke a record in terms of measurement.

While it was always known that “Big Brother“It was a very successful cycle, apparently, nobody expected the level of repercussions that the current edition has generated.

Last night, the reality He gave a new live surprise. It was his driver who announced the big news, after opening the mysterious envelopes that the production had sent him.

Six enter. This Monday new members/participants/players will enter the house. They enter to play and for more than one day.

Of course, this unleashed a wave of speculation about it. On social networks, especially on Twitter, they have already ventured that they would be ex-participants, others say that they will be relatives of the ‘little brothers’; but the truth is that we will have to wait until next Monday to find out.

Del Moro assured that there will be another edition of the reality show during 2023.

constantly changing

At the moment, the designated date for the final of “Big Brother It would be on March 20, however, a version began to circulate strongly indicating that it could be extended again until mid-April.

Currently, there are only seven participants left inside the house, although with the new entry in the next few days everything could change again.

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