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Santiago Segura and Willy Toledo face each other on Twitter after the Treasury condemns the director

Santiago Segura and Willy Toledo face each other on Twitter after the Treasury condemns the director

The National Court gave him a court coup a Santiago Segura in the form of a fine to the Tax Agency in the amount of 827,183.39 euros. The plaintiff, according to the verdict of the judicial body, would have benefited from a “double tax benefit” from a loss in the concept of liquidation for the Corporation Tax for the years 2010-2011.

Despite the fact that the representative of the director and CEO of the production company Amiguetes Entertainment announced that they would file an appeal before the Supreme Court defending that “they always acted based on the fact that what they did was done correctly”the reactions within the world of culture and politics have not stopped happening.

One of the most viral criticisms has been made by actor Willy Toledo on his Twitter account. “He has everything and has plenty of everything, but it is not enough and he wants more. Greed”, he wrote in a comment that did not take long to go viral and that, of course, was found almost immediately with the reply of the person affected.

My admiration for this gentleman as an actor is infinite, as a person not so much. I would show you a WhatsApp message from him thanking me for denouncing the labor ban on television that he suffered… to now say, from a headline that he has read, that I have been “robbing Spain for years.” Anyway…”, Segura replied.

“I am not a thief”

The story could have stopped there, but it didn’t. Toledo, describing himself as “a regular person who is very bad, but not a thief” charged Segura again. “I am not a thief either. I have not stolen from anyone, and I do not even “owe” anything, that money was provided in 2016, when an inspector decided that the advisers had not applied correctly a norm. Since they thought so, they litigate with the Treasury, and the courts decide, ”the affected person responded again.

“There is no fraud, because if they understood that there was an intention to defraud, they can go to court, or fine you (which is not the case either). Yes, it’s the classic clickbait flashy headline, and your thing is “easy”, I read any shit, I get indignant and insult. And I, well, I’m very sorry that you are so wrong, “added the director of Father there is only one.

Insistent on their positions, both Willy Toledo and Segura continued with their argument. “Laying the dead on the advisers is first of all a fraudster. The least decent thing you can do is acknowledge the attempted embezzlement, apologize and hide your head for a few weeks,” the actor snapped. Segura, then, explained to him what in his opinion is the operation of the declarations of the Treasury. “In any case, I don’t know why I bother explaining it to you, you are already a “judge” and you have sentenced me years ago”, settled Segura.

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