Your Amazon is running a promo with the 30 April schedule that allows you to get a buono sconto da 10 euro da utilizzare per gli aquisti che effettuiamo nello store. A super promotion that I can also laugh at for acquiring video games.

The offer applies only to Amazon Prime customers, suitable for the Caribbean premium to return at least one photo through the Amazon Photos app during the promotional periodis not valid for Amazon Prime customers who during the promotional period are using the period of free use of the service and for customers who have used Amazon Photos in past.

Click here to verify if your account is suitable for the promotion

I eligible clients receive a promotional credit of 10 euro each year to use their After a confirmation email from Amazon regarding all the credit of your promotional credit account and instructions, you can use it within 7 days of uploading at least one photo through the Amazon Photos app.
The promotional code can be used for the acquisition of products sold and shipped from Amazon, sono exclusi i prodotti venduti da terzi sul Marketplace di, i Warehouse Deals Amazon e i prodotti e servizi venduti su siti diversi da The promotional code may not be used for the purchase of digital content, books, free gifts, alcoholic beverages and items for children and neonates.


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