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Scandal at “Biggest Loser” – “One more note, then there will be trouble!”

Exhausting sports units, rudimentary food, heat and always thinking about your own weight: The candidates of “Life made easy – The Biggest Loser” have to take on difficult challenges to achieve a lighter body.

Team Orange did not move into their domicile in the best mood last week: the participants live in the “Basic Camp”, spend the night in sleeping containers and even have to trample their warm water themselves on a bicycle.

Meanwhile, Team Blau was happy about their luxury hostel: soft beds, a cool pool and modern training equipment make losing weight a whole lot more comfortable.

How to live – and lose weight: The luxury area in “The Biggest Loser”

Photo: Sat.1

Unsightly scenes at the challenge

The fear of losing privileges caused a lot of frustration between the weight loss colleagues in the first challenge.

The two coaches, ex-kickboxer Ramin Abtin (50) and personal trainer Sigrid Ilumaa (42) were buried in the sand on the idyllic beach of Naxos and had to be shoveled free again by the teams with a bucket.

Hello there! This is where Sigrid Ilumaa is waiting to be dug up

Photo: Sat.1

One participant always rushed off with the bucket, filled it, ran back to his team, poured it out again and then handed the empty container to the next colleague. While the participants from the Basic Camp shone here with team spirit, there were ugly scenes with the residents of the blue luxury domicile.

When Valentina (34) had just sat down to rest, Phillip (27) pouted: “Now get up. A bit of team building, dude!” Valentina didn’t want to put up with that and yelled back: “Stop annoying me. Leave me alone, OK?”

Phillip continued to bitch, however, leading his roommate to make an ominous threat: “One more note and there’ll be trouble!” When Valentina had to fill the next bucket, the team complained: “She’s so slow!”

While Team Blue was still struggling, the participants from the orange group easily passed their opponents and won the challenge.

The mood is in the basement: After his spat with Valentina, Phillip sulked on the stairs

Photo: Sat.1

This caused even more frustration in the luxury camp. Daniel (37) started a speech: “I found it too little.” Phillip again complained about Valentina’s attitude to the task, which burst the hat cord: “You don’t yell at me, ok? You don’t yell at me!”

Now Ása (48), who defended Valentina, also intervened: “Unfortunately, I also have to say that I sometimes find your tone, Phillip, borderline.”

He then left offended, but was soon ready to reconcile with Valentina. She appealed for a friendlier approach: “I don’t like being shouted at. Then I freak out.”

Here Valentina tries to use her body to free Coach Ramin from the sand

Photo: Sat.1

Surprise at the weigh-in

At the big weigh-in, her teammates feared a poor performance by Valentina. Robert (34) blasphemed: “I think that’s a shame. Everyone tears their a**** up, hangs on the machines with pain and she disregards our performance a bit.”

But then came the huge surprise: Valentina had lost a total of 4.5 kilograms and now weighed only 122 kilograms.

Surprise: Valentina lost a lot of weight…

Photo: Sat.1

… Robert Bauklötze was amazed. And immediately got a bad conscience because of his complaining words

Photo: Sat.1

Then Robert couldn’t shut his mouth in amazement and laughed: “We just talked s***! I feel an urgency to apologize to Valentina. I think I’m wronging her.”

Team blue had performed well overall at the weigh-in and was allowed to stay in the luxury camp, but one participant from the orange team had to travel home.

Vivienne (22) had only lost 1.6 kilograms. But maybe “Biggest Loser” isn’t completely over for her: If Vivienne continues to show a lot of commitment at home, there is the possibility of returning to the camp.

Vivienne had to leave the weight loss show

Photo: Sat.1

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