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Scar audience grows to 19.5 million viewers

The cast and crew of

LOS ANGELES.- The triumph of the box office Oppenheimertwo live songs from Barbie and a funny number with the almost naked actor Jonh Cena raised the audience of the scar for the third consecutive year to 19.5 million viewers, according to the first figures from ABC.

The numbers of the successful gala almost doubled the audience compared to the time of the pandemic, when the program capitalized on just 10.4 million viewers. But they are still far from the 40 million recorded a decade ago.

The seven statuettes for Oppenheimer

Oppenheimerthe drama about the atomic bomb by Christopher Nolan, won seven statuettes in the 96th edition of the awards of the Academy, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor for Cillian Murphy, while poor creatures She won four Oscars, including Emma Stone’s for Best Actress.

The cast and crew of “Oppenheimer”

The cast and crew of “Oppenheimer” They accept the award for best film during the Oscars on Sunday, March 10, 2024 at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles.

AP/Chris Pizzello

Highlights of the evening include a performance by Ryan Gosling, who sang I’m Just Kenthe powerful ballad of Barbiethe well-received humor of host Jimmy Kimmel, and the appearance of Cena who presented the award for Best Costume wearing just a pair of sandals.

The public Variety described Gosling’s participation as maximalist and infectiously comic.

“It was the ideal way to channel the positive energy of a scar in which the joy did not feel forced, as can sometimes happen,” the portal wrote.

Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas also sang the winning song of the night, What Was I Made For?also from the soundtrack of Barbieand indigenous musicians performed the song nominated for the film The Moon Killers.


Finneas and Billie Eilish sing What Was I Made For? from the movie Barbie during the Oscars ceremony on March 10, 2024, at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles.

AP/Chris Pizzello

scar audience ratings

The increase in audience ratings is something welcomed by these types of awards shows, which have lost viewers as they compete with the short and fast formats of social networks.

This year the Oscars benefited from having among the nominations two global hits such as Oppenheimer y Barbiethe phenomenon Barbenheimer that will dominate cinemas in 2023.

But the program itself also garnered praise.

The newspaper Los Angeles Times, For example, he praised the loud, raucous Oscars that injected humor and celebrated film history, with just the right amount of political commentary.

Donald Trump was among the millions who tuned in Sunday night. The former president published a bad review of the presenter on his social networks, which Kimmel read live during the last part of the broadcast.

“Thank you, President Trump. Thank you for watching. I’m surprised it’s still there… Isn’t it past your time to go to jail?” Kimmel joked, drawing laughter from the audience.

But the night wasn’t just about laughter. During the ceremony there were also heartfelt references to the Hollywood strikes, the conflict in Gaza and the war in Ukraine.


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