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Seafood salad: a recipe to incorporate vitamins, magnesium and calcium into the diet

If there is an ideal proposal for this time of year, it is any dish that contains seafood. To eat near the sea or at home, we propose a salad that brings together exquisite and fresh ingredients to face the heat.

To make a delicious salad with seafood, you need as ingredients 50 grams of olives, 200 grams of shrimp, an onion, 50 cubic centimeters of white vinegar, fennel, orange and lemon juice, and 200 grams of the king of fish. seafoodthe prawn.

These crustaceans provide vitamins.

In addition, for this original salad of seafood You can add bell peppers, 20 cherry tomatoes and a tube of squid. As a first step, it is required to sauté the onion, peppers and fennel in olive oil, all julienne cut over high heat for 3 minutes.

Then, in the same frying pan, you must seal the squid in rings for 2 minutes and will have to be added to the mixture of reserved vegetables. The same will have to be done with the prawns and shrimp, in the latter case only one minute on each side.

Shellfish provide antioxidants.

Once everything is ready, It will have to be mixed in a large bowl and add the sliced ​​green olives, halved cherry tomatoes. So it should be left in the fridge for an hour and then serve.

In addition to the fact that it is a class dish, including seafood in the diet is very good for all members of the family. The youngest will find interest in this product that is very healthy for their menu.

They can be mixed with tomato and green leafy vegetables.

benefits and vitamins

As mentioned by nutritionists and food specialists, it is essential to add seafood on the family menu. This is because they provide a large number of benefits and vitamins.

They provide benefits and give satiety.

Being a food of animal origin, shellfish provide proteins of high biological value, which are essential amino acids. They are also low in calories and fat and produce a satiating effect. They provide iodine, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium and vitamins E, A and group B.

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