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Sebastin Yatra returns to the fray with Tini Stoessel after breaking up with Aitana

Sebastin Yatra returns to the fray with Tini Stoessel after breaking up with Aitana

At the moment we are both single. We are each living her own path, but I love her very much and we lived a beautiful story this year, with these words Sebastin Yatra publicly announced that his romance with Aitana Ocaa had come to an end. A breakup that The young Catalan woman will not be doing well at all and that he would be doing everything possible for a reconciliation. Today I’m not emotionally well, he expressed in one of his concerts.

While the ex-triumphant has not thrown in the towel and hopes to resume her love story, the Colombian has already turned the page and He will be interested in recovering his love affair with Tini Stoessel, the Argentine singer with whom he had a relationship of just over two years and which ended due to distance during the time of the pandemic. This is reported by several media outlets on the other side of the Atlantic as Partners of the show and Caras magazine.

Television collaborator Paula Varela tells Socios delspectó more details. We are talking about the new old romance of Tini and Sebastin Yatra. It will be a return, she begins by saying. The Argentine insists on the Colombian’s emphatic clarification to whitewash her breakup with Aitana when there was not even a rumor. When they give precise dates it is for a reason, because Yatra is opening another doorade.

She fell in love

Paula Varela insists that she has been able to communicate with the artist’s entourage and that they confirm a rapprochement with Rodrigo de Paul’s ex-partner. They have been having talks for a long time, even before she broke up with the footballer, it states. Sebastin Yatra has returned to the fray. She was very in love, she continues to reveal on Argentine television.

A few days ago, Sebastin Yatra gave a concert. When presenting a topic that he had written to Tini Stoessel, he said some words that They give rise to suspecting that this relationship would be returning.concludes Varela.

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