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Sergio Ramos attends his mother’s birthday without Pilar Rubio

Sergio Ramos attends his mother's birthday without Pilar Rubio

Sergio Ramos and Pilar Rubio They have been involved in a whirlwind of speculation about their relationship. A multitude of information points to a possible crisis that journalists like Pilar Vidal have denied. The absence of the presenter at the Latin Grammy gala in Seville drew attention, to which the soccer player did go along with his sister. However, and after the rumors, none of the protagonists have yet commented on the matter.

Both continue to publish different posts on their Instagram profiles. This Monday, Sergio Ramos did not hesitate to share different images about his mother’s birthday party, Paqui. A party in which The parents of the Sevilla player and his two brothers, Mirian and Ren, were present.. Neither Pilar Rubio nor Lorena Gmez were seen there..

The Ramos García family, at a birthday party

Few things fill me with more pride than being Paqui’s son. Because, mom, your family fills us with pride with your love, your kindness, your joy and all those qualities that have helped us be better every day of our lives. You have elf and we are lucky to enjoy it by your side. We love you, old lady. Happy birthday!, Sergio Ramos wrote in his profile.

A publication in which the footballer poses, first with his parents, then with the entire family, and with several images with his brothers, and at the party they organized for his mother.

Pilar Rubio has not appeared in any of the images of the party. However, this Monday, the television presenter shared another publication on her Instagram profile. A post in which she appears in a vehicle, smiling and wearing braids. A publication that she has titled savage.

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