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Sesame Street Anniversary Commentary – How I Was Forgotten Between Ernie and Bert

Who are my childhood heroes? In addition to some Disney characters, Ernie and Bert come to mind. Exactly THE two are celebrating their 50th anniversary with “Sesame Street”.

My favorite story, which my mother later told me in more detail, happened when I was about seven months old.

My brother Angelo, who is three years older, had our neighbors’ children over and played with them in his room. My mother put me between Ernie and Bert, which my grandma sewed herself. What you need to know: When I was a child, my mother loved to dress me up “dolly”, as she likes to say. And so I was just forgotten between Ernie and Bert back then…

A short time later my brother and the three girls next door went to my mother in the kitchen. “Maybe a minute or two later I asked her, ‘Where’s Mariella?'” my mother later told me.

My brother and his friends didn’t even notice me between the dolls. They quickly ran to me.

“You looked so cute. How your big tears rolled down your cheeks. I know this sucks, but I had to get the camera first. You looked like a doll among dolls,” my mom told me.

BILD reporter Mariella Mandurino at around seven months

Photo: Private

As quickly as the tears came, they were gone. “After that we comforted you and of course the children just played with you,” said my mum.

Even as children, my brother Angelo and I had a great relationship and we are still very close. Of course, I forgave him that he overlooked me back then. Today we like to remember the story and let our mom tell us about it.

It will always be my favorite experience with Ernie and Bert.

Angelo and Sister Mariella Mandurino today – on Christmas Eve 2022

Photo: private

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