Shakira: The situation we were experiencing in Spain was not bearable

Shakira is living a new life in Miami with his children, Milan and Sasha. There she breathes tranquility and finds herself once again linked to the world of music, which she left aside because in Spain I dedicated myself to raising my children and supporting my ex-partner’s career, as she stated in an interview with Magazine Hello! In colombia.

In this same interview with the aforementioned media, the artist from Barranquilla admits that I have never seen my children so happy, in reference to his life on the other side of the pond, from Miami. There, he assures that the little ones live like two ordinary children: They go to their extracurricular activities without anyone chasing them, not like in Barcelona, ​​where we had paparazzi at the door every day.. They lead a free and normal life as two ordinary children, not as children of celebrities.

In Spainthe children could not go to school calmly and The situation we experienced with the press, in which they were chased even to the door of their school, was not bearable.. This has nothing to do with my Spanish public, who have always been very warm and have given me support at all times, he added.

Furthermore, regarding the children’s adaptation to this new life, Shakira confesses that it impressed her, also adding that they are very interested in the world of music: The first day of school they already had friends. Luckily, they are very outgoing children and They have great friends who love them for who they are and not for being the children of famous people.. They live outdoors and have the opportunity to learn various sports, in addition to continuing to exploit their talents in sports. music, for which they clearly have a predisposition.

Lleg to feel worried about his cancer about Piqu

Specifically in music, Shakira has found her refuge again. A little world that welcomed her when she was very young, and in which she became one of the most famous, and that after a few years away from it, she has returned in style, and with lyrics dedicated to her ex-partner. , Gerard Piquas the Session #53 with Bizarrapwhere the Colombian leaves nothing in the pipeline.

A song for which I came to feel concern. I know there was some concern before I released the song. People on my team tried to convince me to change the lyrics, but I’m not a UN diplomat. (United Nations Organization). I am an artist and, above all, a woman. I have always been honest with myself and with others and I can’t live in a world where I have to hide my feelings, in which I cannot sublimate them. In this, art fulfills an essential function: not only the catharsis it represents, but the ability to transmute your emotions and pain into strength, into determination, like a true alchemy.

And for the singer, these two years have served as a learning experience, she admits to the magazine that she is stronger than she thought: I thought I was much more fragile than I am. I have understood that human beings have enormous resilience and that they can overcome anything.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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