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Shakira, why would she be forced to delay her move to Miami

There is no doubt that 2022 was one of the most difficult years forWell, in addition to dealing with the separation from former soccer player Gerard Piqué, he had to face legal issues regarding the custody of his children and the hospitalization of his father. However, this did not make him give up. the Colombian womenwho believes that 2023 will be another chapter to write in Miami.

Or at least we thought so, because according to the Mamarazzi podcast, the famous that Shakira He surprised locals and strangers recently, as it turns out that he was thinking of postponing his plans to move with his children.

Although they do not delve much into the reason for Shakira’s decision, one of the reasons could be due to the health situation of father of the Latin artist, who suffered several ups and downs in 2022.

Shakira’s father suffered various health problems in 2022 (Photo: ROBERT MARQUARDT/GETTY IMAGES

During the podcast, which is hosted by Laura Fa and Lorena Vásquez, it was learned that the mother of Sasha and Milan would have the goal of postponing their arrival in the United States, due to the recommendations of the doctors at the Teknon clinic, because they maintain that the patriarch of the Mebarak would not have the necessary forces to make such a trip.

“Due to his delicate state of health, the medical team at the Teknon clinic in Barcelona, ​​in charge of his care this last year, has advised against his family traveling to the American continent, despite the fact that at first, there was no objection. on their part, as long as certain and logical precautions are taken into account. They held on the entertainment podcast.

Shakira would wait for the end of her children’s school year to move to Miami (Photo: Shakira / Instagram)

But that’s not all, because the journalists commented that, if the author of “Pies Descalzos” decides to make her final transfer to the “Yunaited” in the coming days, she will do so by plane with all the respective medical services so that her father enjoys full attention during the journey. They also commented that the most possible date would be the end of March or June, since it is the period when her little ones would finish the school year.

As we remember, William Mebarak was admitted to the hospital on several occasions in 2022 due to various decompensations that he suffered as a result of a hip problem, and even a stroke.

Will he be encouraged to make the final trip and leave Barcelona and Piqué, or will he wait for things calmer? Apparently, 2023 is not being a very rosy year for our beloved Shakira either.

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